Parental leave and nursery care

Parental leave was introduced to allow parents and children to spend more time together and thus create a strong relationship between child and parent. That is why the law on parental leave stipulates that the applicant must devote himself mainly to the child’s education.

If you have applied for full-time parental leave, it is in principle not allowed to give the child in a day care structure. Our fund allows you to attend a daycare center for a maximum of a few hours per week, e.g. as part of the adjustment phase at the end of parental leave, in order not to completely lose your childcare place or so that the child can spend some time with other children. Such temporary accommodation in a structure must be communicated to the CAE in advance.

If you have applied for half-time parental leave, your child will be able to go to the nursery part-time (during your working hours).

In case of violation, you risk having to refund the entire parental leave allowance!

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